a Murray (aka F.J. McQueen) is an international award winning writer, a performer, zinester, poet and cartoonist. She has had around 90 plays produced on BBC Radios 3 and 4, including adaptations of “Ann Veronica” by H.G. Wells and Blood, Sex and Money by Emile Zola. Lavinia recently had a novel, Out Damned Spot!, published by Urbane Publications. She’s also written for the theatre, animation, television and film and also lyrics for songs and libretti for chamber operas and folk songs. She is currently creating her own world with concomitant languages because, well, why not? She loves insects, birds (who, unfortunately, sometimes eat the insects she so admires) and is somewhat obsessed with clouds and books. You can view Lavinia’s short films on her YouTube channel.

Lavinia Murray contributed to the Opendoor Edition of Waywords and Meansigns in 2017, recording “Mursque”, page 136.